& Why it's good for your digital health....
What is a digital detox?
A digital detox is basically a removal (or re-organization) of any digital files such as emails, documents, photos, apps, and system files.
Why should I do a digital detox?
Digital detoxification does wonders for opening up storage space on your device and cloud-base storage system. It allows you to save additional space to store more files in the future. It also allows you to literally take a trip down memory lane allowing you to view old photos, read long lost love letters, and re-learn information of your past. Plus, it just feels good to cleanse away unused digital files.
Which digital files do I cleanse?
Look into old emails with expire coupons/broken links or communication that has faded out, documents with information that doesn’t apply to the present or future, photos with low quality or has no particular focal point/subject, apps that haven’t been used in months, and outdated system files where you no longer have the license for that system. Basically, any digital file that you haven’t opened, used, or attached within the last 3 years should be deleted.
How do I do this?
Start by planning a digital organization party! Just take 5 minutes a day to cleanse away the digital junk. Create 3 separate piles in mind when you are digitally cleaning; Keep (anything you currently use), Preserve (anything you want to keep as a memory), and Remove (anything you have no use for).
Come on, let the cleansing begin!